Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Plane Clothes

What to Wear on a Plane Trip

It's pretty amazing when you look around the airport and see what people wear on the plane. Some look like they just jumped out bed wearing their pj's and some like they just came from the gym. The truth is you can dress comfortable and look presentable and be comfortable. Many of the items travelers bring are better left at home or in your suitcase. Say goodbye to sweats, after hours of traveling they begin to look wrinkled, dirty and don't betray the person you are. Consider wearing stretchy pants that will be comfortable but not give you that lazy look.
Wearing layers are the most comfortable and practical travel clothes you can get. You can then take clothes off if you get too hot and put them on if you get too cold. This is important as the temperature in airplanes can vary considerably during a flight. Airport terminals can also be warmer or cooler so wearing layers makes perfect sense.It makes good sense now-a-days to dress with security in mind - that is with airport security in mind. Dressing for airport screening security will save you both time and hassle. Imagine how much quicker it would take to get through the airport screening if everyone dressed with security in mind.Avoid things that can get you stopped at the airport screening metal detectors, like metal belt buckles, loose change, jewelry, etc. Leave all you can in your hand luggage until you have arrived at your destination or at least cleared airport security.Airline travel tips recommend always wearing socks when travelling, otherwise you could end up barefoot at the airport screening checkpoint. For the same reason you want to wear clean and whole socks... saving you embarrassment if you have to take your shoes off at the airport screening.Low heel shoes or slip on shoes are preferred type of shoes if you are dressing for travel comfort and safety. They are also the most practical choice for going through airport screening checkpoints as you might have to take your shoes off.Feet tend to swell during flights so wearing comfortable pair of shoes that have the capability to expand, like sneakers, sandals or moccasins, makes good sense. If you like to take your shoes off during flight like we do... then tight shoes are very difficult to get back on at the end of the flight.If you do like to take your shoes off during flight, then you might want to have with you a pair of thick socks to put on as the aircraft floor can get cold during flight.On long haul flights deep vein thrombosis (DVT) socks or flight socks, should be considered. Flight Socks help stimulate the blood circulation and can therefore reduce the risk of DVT. They can also help alleviate swollen feet... we even use flight socks on shorter flights and sometimes even on long car journeys.The ultimate piece of travel clothes... must be the pashmina shawl. While flying you can wear it around your shoulders for extra warmth, use it as blanket or fold it and use it as pillow.

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